Holoverse Theaters


From the quest for the Magic Lantern of the 1890’s, the first popular stereoscopic viewer, humankind has sought to create a true 3D window to our visual world. The craze reached epidemic proportions following the invention of polarization stereoscopy using the films of Edwin Land. Stereo-cameras and projectors were manufactured by the major companies and the media was enthralled. For the average photographic buff, the operating costs remained substantial. Two lenses & full-sized images, development costs, lack of freedom of motion and requisite eyeglass began to moderate the visual enthusiasm in the home. But one stereo product, now the Disney ViewGraph, has flourished almost uninterrupted for FIFTY years. As we reach the year 2000, technology has once again created a unique opportunity in 3D visual communication -- the emergence of practical 3D Imagers and tools with unrestricted freedom of motion, without glasses or goggles.


 StereoVision & DHV™ Format Technologies

The HoloDeckTM Theatre is Holoverse's Dramatic Entry into the dynamic world of Real Space 3D -- a holographic environment unlike any you have every seen -- a walk-around, IMAX like space without any silly encumbrances like active glasses.  Using our patented and pending Digital Holography System, the HoloDeck recreates the rays of light one would see from an imaginary view window.  The HoloDeckTM Theatre  employs our patented DHV technologies.

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Horizontal parallax is the predominant faculty for medium field 3D vision. When observing an scene, our two eyes coordinate the position of an image on the retina by converging on a central object. This effect is shown is Fig. 1 where the oval object is shown presented distinct images to each of the viewer’s eyes.  This effect is shown below where a oval object is shown presented distinct images to each of the viewer’s eyes.

Classic stereoscopy recreates this effect by presenting one of two images to the respective eye. With the proper convergence, our cognitive visual process adds comfortable three-dimensionality. This is shown in the middle example and is the method used in Disney's ViewGraph.  The Holoverse system showing the beam elements is shown in the bottom example is encoded for universal transmission in our DHV™ format..




Copyright © 2000 Holoverse. HoloDeck and DHV are pending trademarks of Dennis J. Solomon.  All rights reserved.
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.